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- #ifndef EIFFEL_S2
- #define EIFFEL_S2 1 /* Eiffel2 included */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #ifdef EDEBUG_2
- #define EDEBUG_1 1
- #endif
- #ifdef EDEBUG_1
- #define EDEBUG_0 1
- #endif
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Types */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef unsigned char BOOLEAN;
- typedef char CHARACTER;
- typedef double DOUBLE;
- typedef long INTEGER;
- typedef double REAL;
- typedef unsigned char *OBJREF;
- typedef unsigned char *POINTER;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Internal types */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef short INTEGER8;
- typedef short INTEGER16;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct etype {
- POINTER emod; /* Module belonging to this type */
- struct etype **egen; /* Generic parameters */
- INTEGER16 egencount; /* Number of generic parameters */
- CHARACTER *ebase; /* Base class of type */
- CHARACTER *ename; /* Full type name */
- CHARACTER *ecode; /* Typecode; used for packing */
- INTEGER16 ebits; /* Number of bits if BIT type */
- BOOLEAN expanded; /* Is it an expanded type? */
- INTEGER instances; /* Nr of instances of type */
- INTEGER eindex; /* Used for packing */
- struct etype *enext; /* Used for packing */
- } ETYPE;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Macros */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define true ((BOOLEAN) 1)
- #define false ((BOOLEAN) 0)
- #define VOIDREF ((OBJREF) 0)
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Builtin C functions */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Emset(ccc, iii) (void) memset ((char *)(ccc), 0, (unsigned)(iii))
- #if defined(__MWERKS__)
- #define Esjmp(xxx) setjmp((long**)xxx)
- #else
- #define Esjmp(xxx) setjmp(xxx)
- #endif /* __MWERKS__ */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Runtime frame */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef union {
- INTEGER _ires; /* Integer result */
- CHARACTER _cres; /* Character result */
- BOOLEAN _bres; /* Boolean result */
- REAL _rres; /* Real result */
- POINTER _pres; /* Pointer result */
- OBJREF _ores; /* Objref result */
- ETYPE *_tres; /* Type result */
- typedef struct rtf {
- INTEGER *_iap; /* Integer arguments */
- CHARACTER *_cap; /* Character arguments */
- BOOLEAN *_bap; /* Boolean arguments */
- REAL *_rap; /* Real arguments */
- POINTER *_pap; /* Pointer arguments */
- OBJREF *_oap; /* Objref arguments */
- INTEGER16 _oac; /* Number of objref args */
- INTEGER *_i; /* Integer locals */
- CHARACTER *_c; /* Character locals */
- BOOLEAN *_b; /* Boolean locals */
- REAL *_r; /* Real locals */
- POINTER *_p; /* Pointer locals */
- OBJREF *_o; /* Objref locals */
- INTEGER16 _oc; /* Number of objref locals */
- ERES_TYPES _res; /* Any result */
- INTEGER16 etidx; /* Index in definition table*/
- INTEGER16 epos; /* Current position */
- POINTER emod; /* Call module */
- struct rtf *next; /* Next runtime frame */
- } RTF;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define INIT_b(ddd,ttt) {Emset(_b,(ddd)*sizeof(ttt));_mf._b = _b;}
- #define INIT_c(ddd,ttt) {Emset(_c,(ddd)*sizeof(ttt));_mf._c = _c;}
- #define INIT_i(ddd,ttt) {Emset(_i,(ddd)*sizeof(ttt));_mf._i = _i;}
- #define INIT_p(ddd,ttt) {Emset(_p,(ddd)*sizeof(ttt));_mf._p = _p;}
- #define INIT_r(ddd,ttt) {Emset(_r,(ddd)*sizeof(ttt));_mf._r = _r;}
- #define INIT_o(ddd,ttt) {Emset(_o,(ddd)*sizeof(ttt));_mf._o = _o;_mf._oc = ddd;}
- #define INIT_oca(ddd,ttt) {Emset(_oca,(ddd)*sizeof(ttt));_mf._oac = ddd;}
- #define RTF_init(iii) {Emset((&_mf),(sizeof(RTF)));\
- _cfp->next = &_mf;\
- _mf.etidx = (iii);\
- _mf.emod = (POINTER) &md;}
- #define RTF_restore {_mf.next = (RTF *) 0; *(md.erec) = _arec;}
- #define RTF_return (_cfp->next = (RTF *) 0);
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Function pointers */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef void (*EPER)(RTF *, BOOLEAN, INTEGER);
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Library / class name pairs */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct {
- INTEGER16 elib; /* Name of library */
- INTEGER16 eclass; /* Name of class */
- POINTER emod; /* The module of this pair */
- } ELCP;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Parent table entries */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct {
- CHARACTER ekind; /* Kind of entry */
- INTEGER16 eidx; /* Index in library/class name pair table */
- INTEGER16 eclause; /* Inheritance clause */
- INTEGER16 ename1; /* First feature name */
- INTEGER16 ename2; /* Second feature name */
- EPER ptype; /* Typeof parent */
- } EPAR;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Dispatch table entries */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Routine dispatch structures */
- typedef struct {
- EPER erp; /* Pointer to routine */
- INTEGER16 ecnr; /* Class number */
- } ERDLE;
- typedef struct {
- EPER erp; /* Pointer to routine */
- INTEGER16 elcp; /* Index of ELCP structure */
- INTEGER16 ename; /* Name of routine */
- ERDLE *elist; /* Dispatch list */
- INTEGER16 ecount; /* Number of entries in dispatch list */
- } ERDS;
- /* Data dispatch structures */
- typedef struct {
- INTEGER16 eoff; /* Offset of data */
- INTEGER16 ecnr; /* Class number */
- } EDDLE;
- typedef struct {
- INTEGER16 eoff; /* Offset of data */
- INTEGER16 elcp; /* Index of ELCP structure */
- INTEGER16 ename; /* Name of routine */
- EDDLE *elist; /* Dispatch list */
- INTEGER16 ecount; /* Number of entries in dispatch list */
- } EDDS;
- /* Typeof dispatch structures */
- typedef struct {
- EPER erp; /* Pointer to routine */
- INTEGER16 ecnr; /* Class number */
- } ETDLE;
- typedef struct {
- EPER erp; /* Pointer to routine */
- INTEGER16 elcp; /* Index of ELCP structure */
- INTEGER16 ename; /* Name of routine */
- ETDLE *elist; /* Dispatch list */
- INTEGER16 ecount; /* Number of entries in dispatch list */
- } ETDS;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Dispatch macros */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #ifdef EFINAL
- #define Erdisp(mmm,tgt,idx) (((POINTER) (Erdt[idx].erp)) == ((POINTER) (md.edefrout))) ? ((*(md.erdisp))(mmm, tgt, idx)) : (POINTER) (Erdt[idx].erp)
- #define Eddisp(mmm,tgt,idx) (Eddt[idx].eoff) ? Eaddrof((tgt), (Eddt [idx].eoff)) : ((*(md.eddisp))(mmm, tgt, idx))
- #define Etdisp(mmm,tgt,idx) ((*(md.etdisp))(mmm, tgt, idx))
- #else
- #define Erdisp(mmm,tgt,idx) (((POINTER) (Erdt[idx].erp)) == ((POINTER) (md.edefrout))) ? ((*(md.erdisp))(mmm, tgt, idx)) : (POINTER) (Erdt[idx].erp)
- #define Eddisp(mmm,tgt,idx) ((tgt) && Eddt[idx].eoff) ? Eaddrof((tgt), (Eddt [idx].eoff)) : ((*(md.eddisp))(mmm, tgt, idx))
- #define Etdisp(mmm,tgt,idx) ((*(md.etdisp))(mmm, tgt, idx))
- #endif
- #define Erhdisp(mmm,tgt,idx) (((POINTER) (Erdt[idx].erp)) == ((POINTER) (md.edefrout))) ? ((*(md.erhdisp))(mmm, tgt, idx)) : (POINTER) (Erdt[idx].erp)
- #define Edhdisp(mmm,tgt,idx) ((tgt) && Eddt[idx].eoff) ? Eaddrof((tgt), (Eddt [idx].eoff)) : ((*(md.edhdisp))(mmm, tgt, idx))
- #define Ethdisp(mmm,tgt,idx) ((*(md.ethdisp))(mmm, tgt, idx))
- #define Echup(hhh) ((hhh) ? (hhh) : (*(md.evdisp))())
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Routine and attribute definition tables */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct {
- INTEGER16 ename; /* Name of routine */
- EPER eaddr; /* Address of routine */
- EPER etaddr; /* Address of typeof function */
- INTEGER16 esig; /* Signature */
- POINTER ebreak; /* Break points */
- POINTER emod; /* Module pointer for Cecil */
- } ERDEF;
- typedef struct {
- INTEGER16 ename; /* Name of attribute */
- INTEGER16 eoff; /* Offset in data structure */
- EPER etaddr; /* Address of typeof function */
- CHARACTER ekind; /* Type indicator */
- INTEGER16 esig; /* Signature */
- } EDDEF;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Externals */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct {
- POINTER eaddr; /* Address of external routine */
- INTEGER16 ename; /* True name of external routine */
- } EERS;
- typedef struct {
- POINTER eaddr; /* Address of external routine */
- CHARACTER *ename; /* True name of external routine */
- } RT_EERS;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct {
- ETYPE *etd; /* A type descriptor */
- INTEGER16 elcp; /* Index in ELCP structure */
- } ETS;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Debug tables */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct {
- CHARACTER *ekey; /* Debug key */
- INTEGER16 eidx; /* Index of debug instruction */
- } EDBKS;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Multi branch tables */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct {
- INTEGER elower; /* Lower interval bound */
- INTEGER eupper; /* Upper interval bound */
- INTEGER16 ecode; /* Code number */
- } EMBS;
- #define Esel(ttt,iii) ((*(md.esel))(ttt,iii))
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Module descriptor */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct mdesc {
- CHARACTER *ename;
- CHARACTER *elib;
- ETYPE *etype;
- INTEGER16 ecnr; /* Class number */
- INTEGER16 esize; /* Size of an object */
- POINTER (*erdisp)(RTF *, OBJREF, INTEGER); /* Runtime routine dispatcher */
- POINTER (*eddisp)(RTF *, OBJREF, INTEGER); /* Runtime data dispatcher */
- POINTER (*etdisp)(RTF *, OBJREF, INTEGER); /* Runtime type dispatcher */
- POINTER (*erhdisp)(RTF *, OBJREF, INTEGER); /* Runtime routine dispatcher */
- POINTER (*edhdisp)(RTF *, OBJREF, INTEGER); /* Runtime data dispatcher */
- POINTER (*ethdisp)(RTF *, OBJREF, INTEGER); /* Runtime type dispatcher */
- POINTER (*evdisp)(void);
- void (*edefrout)(RTF *, BOOLEAN, INTEGER); /* Default routine = Runtime call through dispatcher */
- int (*esel)(EMBS *, INTEGER); /* Runtime multi branch selection*/
- OBJREF (*ecreate)(RTF *, ETYPE *);/* Runtime object creation */
- OBJREF (*ebitcreate)(RTF *, CHARACTER *, ETYPE *);
- OBJREF (*estrcreate)(RTF *, CHARACTER *, ETYPE *);
- void (*einit)(RTF *); /* Module object initialization */
- void (*rinit)(RTF *); /* Runtime object initialization */
- void (*enoichk)(void); /* Runtime class inv. disable */
- void (*echkvar)(INTEGER, INTEGER);
- /* Runtime loop variant check */
- void (*eraise)(void); /* Raise pending exceptions */
- BOOLEAN (*exnotify)(BOOLEAN, int, char *);
- void (*embex)(void); /* Raise multi-branch exception*/
- /* Exception notify */
- BOOLEAN (*exclr)(BOOLEAN); /* Clear exceptions */
- void (*exvoid)(void); /* Void target exception */
- OBJREF (*eiref)(INTEGER); /* Reference version */
- OBJREF (*ecref)(CHARACTER); /* Reference version */
- OBJREF (*ebref)(BOOLEAN); /* Reference version */
- OBJREF (*erref)(REAL); /* Reference version */
- OBJREF (*epref)(POINTER); /* Reference version */
- ETYPE* (*egentype)(ETYPE *, int, ...);
- /* Generic type creation */
- ETYPE* (*ebittype)(ETYPE *, int); /* Bittype creation */
- BOOLEAN (*eequal)(OBJREF, OBJREF); /* Standard equal */
- INTEGER (*eipow)(INTEGER, INTEGER);/* Integer power operator */
- REAL (*erpow)(REAL, INTEGER); /* Real power operator */
- void (*ecarrput)(OBJREF, CHARACTER, INTEGER);
- void (*ebarrput)(OBJREF, BOOLEAN, INTEGER);
- void (*eearrput)(OBJREF, OBJREF, INTEGER);
- void (*eiarrput)(OBJREF, INTEGER, INTEGER);
- void (*eoarrput)(OBJREF, OBJREF, INTEGER);
- void (*eparrput)(OBJREF, POINTER, INTEGER);
- void (*erarrput)(OBJREF, REAL, INTEGER);
- BOOLEAN (*ebarritem)(OBJREF, INTEGER);
- OBJREF (*eearritem)(OBJREF, INTEGER);
- INTEGER (*eiarritem)(OBJREF, INTEGER);
- OBJREF (*eoarritem)(OBJREF, INTEGER);
- POINTER (*eparritem)(OBJREF, INTEGER);
- REAL (*erarritem)(OBJREF, INTEGER);
- OBJREF (*eassat)(ETYPE *, OBJREF); /* Assignment attempt */
- OBJREF (*eclone)(OBJREF); /* Standard clone */
- void (*ecopy)(OBJREF, OBJREF); /* Standard copy */
- int* (*enewenv)(void); /* New environment (setjmp) */
- void (*efreeenv)(int**);
- void (*eprotect)(OBJREF *, INTEGER); /* Protect from GC */
- EPER eclinv; /* Runtime class invariant check */
- EPER einv; /* Own class invariant routine */
- void (*epos)(RTF *, RTF *, INTEGER, POINTER);
- void (*einout)(RTF *, RTF *, BOOLEAN, POINTER);
- ELCP *elcp;
- ETS *ett;
- EDDS *eddt;
- ERDS *erdt;
- ETDS *etdt;
- EERS *eert;
- ERDEF *erdef;
- EDDEF *eddef;
- BOOLEAN *edbt;
- EDBKS *edbkt;
- BOOLEAN elinv; /* Loop invariant checks */
- BOOLEAN elvar; /* Loop variant checks */
- BOOLEAN echk; /* Check assertions */
- BOOLEAN epre; /* Preconditions */
- BOOLEAN epost; /* Postconditions */
- BOOLEAN edbg; /* Debug instructions */
- BOOLEAN ecinv; /* Class invariant */
- INTEGER *erec; /* Assertion recursion */
- EPAR *epart; /* Parent table */
- POINTER plinks;
- POINTER dlinks;
- POINTER memory;
- BOOLEAN eattrs;
- INTEGER16 eidata [16]; /* Offsets of intrinsic data */
- EPER eirout [16]; /* Addresses of intrinsic routines */
- CHARACTER espec_kind; /* Kind of special object */
- BOOLEAN ebreak; /* Does it have break points?*/
- char **estr;
- char **eestr;
- struct mdesc *enext;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Ecreate (*(md.ecreate))
- #define Ebitcreate (*(md.ebitcreate))
- #define Estrcreate (*(md.estrcreate))
- #define Eclone (*(md.eclone))
- #define Ecopy (*(md.ecopy))
- #define Einit (*(md.rinit))
- #define Ecreation (*(md.enoichk))
- #define Eclinv(fff,qqq) (*(md.eclinv))(fff,qqq,0)
- #define Eraise (*(md.eraise))
- #define Eexnotify (*(md.exnotify))
- #define Eexclr(bbb) (*(md.exclr))((BOOLEAN)(bbb))
- #define Eiref (*(md.eiref))
- #define Ecref (*(md.ecref))
- #define Ebref (*(md.ebref))
- #define Erref (*(md.erref))
- #define Epref (*(md.epref))
- #define Eiwrap (*(md.eiref))
- #define Ecwrap (*(md.ecref))
- #define Ebwrap (*(md.ebref))
- #define Erwrap (*(md.erref))
- #define Epwrap (*(md.epref))
- #define Egentype (*(md.egentype))
- #define Ebittype (*(md.ebittype))
- #define Eequal (*(md.eequal))
- #define Eipow (*(md.eipow))
- #define Erpow (*(md.erpow))
- #define Enewbarr (*(md.enewbarr))
- #define Enewcarr (*(md.enewcarr))
- #define Enewearr (*(md.enewearr))
- #define Enewiarr (*(md.enewiarr))
- #define Enewoarr (*(md.enewoarr))
- #define Enewparr (*(md.enewparr))
- #define Enewrarr (*(md.enewrarr))
- #define Ebarrput (*(md.ebarrput))
- #define Ecarrput (*(md.ecarrput))
- #define Eearrput (*(md.eearrput))
- #define Eiarrput (*(md.eiarrput))
- #define Eoarrput (*(md.eoarrput))
- #define Eparrput (*(md.eparrput))
- #define Erarrput (*(md.erarrput))
- #define Enew_env (*(md.enewenv))
- #define Efree_env (*(md.efreeenv))
- #define Echkvar (*(md.echkvar))
- #define Embex (*(md.embex))
- #define Eassat (*(md.eassat))
- #define Eprotect (*(md.eprotect))
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef union {
- EMDESC *mod;
- POINTER hdr;
- } EGPU;
- typedef struct {
- ETYPE *type;
- EGPU gpu;
- INTEGER gct;
- } EHDR;
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define Eheader(ooo) ((EHDR *)(((char *) (ooo)) - sizeof (EHDR)))
- #define Etypeof(ooo) (Eheader(ooo)->type)
- #define Eactgen(iii) ((Etypeof((*(_cfp->_oap)))->egen)[iii])
- #define Eaddrof(ooo,iii) ((POINTER) (((char *) (ooo))+((iii)-1)))
- #define Emodof(ooo) ((Eheader(ooo)->gpu).mod)
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Assertion control */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #if defined(__MWERKS__)
- /* The recursion control stuff does not seem to be implemented fully.
- It will be important for at least class invariants. */
- #define Elinv (md.elinv)
- #define Elvar (md.elvar)
- #define Echk (md.echk)
- #define Epre (md.epre)
- #define Epost (md.epost)
- #define Epost_old (md.epost)
- #define Edbg (md.edbg)
- #define Ecinv (md.ecinv)
- #else
- #define Elinv (md.elinv && !(*md.erec) && (++(*(md.erec))))
- #define Elvar (md.elvar && !(*md.erec) && (++(*(md.erec))))
- #define Echk (md.echk && !(*md.erec) && (++(*(md.erec))))
- #define Epre (md.epre && !(*md.erec) && (++(*(md.erec))))
- #define Epost (md.epost && !(*md.erec) && (++(*(md.erec))))
- #define Epost_old (md.epost && !(*md.erec))
- #define Edbg (md.edbg && !(*md.erec) && (++(*(md.erec))))
- #define Ecinv (md.ecinv && !(*md.erec) && (++(*(md.erec))))
- #endif /* __MWERKS__ */
- #define EPCV 1 /* precondition violation */
- #define EPOCV 2 /* postcondition " */
- #define ECHKV 3 /* check assertions " */
- #define ELINV 4 /* loop invariant */
- #define ELVAV 5 /* loop variant */
- #define ECINV 6 /* class invariant */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Intrinsic Macros */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define EI_IIEQ(xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_IEQ(oo,xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_ICP(xx,yy) (xx = (yy))
- #define EI_ICL(oo,xx) (xx)
- #define EI_IDCL(oo,xx) (xx)
- #define EI_IDEQ(oo,xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_IMIN(xx,yy) (((xx)<(yy)) ? (xx) : (yy))
- #define EI_IMAX(xx,yy) (((yy)<(xx)) ? (xx) : (yy))
- #define EI_ICMP(xx,yy) ((xx)-(yy))
- #define EI_IHSH(xx) (((xx)<0) ? -(xx) : (xx))
- #define EI_CIEQ(xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_CEQ(oo,xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_CCP(xx,yy) (xx = (yy))
- #define EI_CCL(oo,xx) (xx)
- #define EI_CDCL(oo,xx) (xx)
- #define EI_CDEQ(oo,xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_CMIN(xx,yy) (((xx)<(yy)) ? (xx) : (yy))
- #define EI_CMAX(xx,yy) (((yy)<(xx)) ? (xx) : (yy))
- #define EI_CCMP(xx,yy) (((int)(xx))-((int) (yy)))
- #define EI_CHSH(xx) ((INTEGER)((unsigned char) (xx)))
- #define EI_RIEQ(xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_REQ(oo,xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_RCP(xx,yy) (xx = (yy))
- #define EI_RCL(oo,xx) (xx)
- #define EI_RDCL(oo,xx) (xx)
- #define EI_RDEQ(oo,xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_RMIN(xx,yy) (((xx)<(yy)) ? (xx) : (yy))
- #define EI_RMAX(xx,yy) (((yy)<(xx)) ? (xx) : (yy))
- #define EI_RCMP(xx,yy) (((xx)<(yy)) ? -1 : (((xx)>(yy)) ? 1 : 0))
- #define EI_RHSH(xx) (0)
- #define EI_BIEQ(xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_BEQ(oo,xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_BCP(xx,yy) (xx = (yy))
- #define EI_BCL(oo,xx) (xx)
- #define EI_BDCL(oo,xx) (xx)
- #define EI_BDEQ(oo,xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_PIEQ(xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_PEQ(oo,xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- #define EI_PCP(xx,yy) (xx = (yy))
- #define EI_PCL(oo,xx) (xx)
- #define EI_PDCL(oo,xx) (xx)
- #define EI_PDEQ(oo,xx,yy) ((xx)==(yy))
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Offsets of intrinsic data */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define EI_AR_OFF 0 /* Offset of area */
- #define EI_CO_OFF 1 /* Offset of count */
- #define EI_EX_OFF 2 /* Offset of exchg */
- #define EI_FA_OFF 3 /* Offset of faptr */
- #define EI_LI_OFF 4 /* Offset of lit */
- #define EI_LO_OFF 5 /* Offset of lower */
- #define EI_SP_OFF 6 /* Offest of special */
- #define EI_UP_OFF 7 /* Offset of upper */
- #define EI_IDATA(ooo,nnn) Eaddrof((ooo),((Emodof(ooo)->eidata)[nnn]))
- #ifdef EFINAL
- #define EI_BAITM(ooo,iii) ((*((BOOLEAN**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])
- #define EI_CAITM(ooo,iii) ((*((CHARACTER**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])
- #define EI_EAITM(ooo,iii) ((*((OBJREF**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])
- #define EI_IAITM(ooo,iii) ((*((INTEGER**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])
- #define EI_OAITM(ooo,iii) ((*((OBJREF**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])
- #define EI_PAITM(ooo,iii) ((*((POINTER**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])
- #define EI_RAITM(ooo,iii) ((*((REAL**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])
- #define EI_BAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (((*((BOOLEAN**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])=xxx)
- #define EI_CAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (((*((CHARACTER**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])=xxx)
- #define EI_EAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (((*((OBJREF**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])=xxx)
- #define EI_IAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (((*((INTEGER**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])=xxx)
- #define EI_OAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (((*((OBJREF**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])=xxx)
- #define EI_PAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (((*((POINTER**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])=xxx)
- #define EI_RAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (((*((REAL**)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_FA_OFF)))[iii])=xxx)
- #else
- #define EI_BAITM(ooo,iii) (md.ebarritem((ooo),(iii)))
- #define EI_CAITM(ooo,iii) (md.ecarritem((ooo),(iii)))
- #define EI_EAITM(ooo,iii) (md.eearritem((ooo),(iii)))
- #define EI_IAITM(ooo,iii) (md.eiarritem((ooo),(iii)))
- #define EI_OAITM(ooo,iii) (md.eoarritem((ooo),(iii)))
- #define EI_PAITM(ooo,iii) (md.eparritem((ooo),(iii)))
- #define EI_RAITM(ooo,iii) (md.erarritem((ooo),(iii)))
- #define EI_BAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (md.ebarrput((ooo),(xxx),(iii)))
- #define EI_CAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (md.ecarrput((ooo),(xxx),(iii)))
- #define EI_EAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (md.eearrput((ooo),(xxx),(iii)))
- #define EI_IAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (md.eiarrput((ooo),(xxx),(iii)))
- #define EI_OAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (md.eoarrput((ooo),(xxx),(iii)))
- #define EI_PAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (md.eparrput((ooo),(xxx),(iii)))
- #define EI_RAPUT(ooo,xxx,iii) (md.erarrput((ooo),(xxx),(iii)))
- #endif
- #define EI_BALOW(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_LO_OFF)))
- #define EI_CALOW(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_LO_OFF)))
- #define EI_EALOW(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_LO_OFF)))
- #define EI_IALOW(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_LO_OFF)))
- #define EI_OALOW(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_LO_OFF)))
- #define EI_PALOW(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_LO_OFF)))
- #define EI_RALOW(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_LO_OFF)))
- #define EI_BAUP(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_UP_OFF)))
- #define EI_CAUP(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_UP_OFF)))
- #define EI_EAUP(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_UP_OFF)))
- #define EI_IAUP(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_UP_OFF)))
- #define EI_OAUP(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_UP_OFF)))
- #define EI_PAUP(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_UP_OFF)))
- #define EI_RAUP(ooo) (*((INTEGER *)EI_IDATA(ooo,EI_UP_OFF)))
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Addresses of intrinsic routines */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #define EI_CP_ADR 0 /* copy */
- #define EI_EQ_ADR 1 /* is_equal */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #if defined(__MWERKS__)
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #else
- #define setjmp _setjmp
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- extern int setjmp (int *);
- #endif /* __MWERKS__ */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #ifdef EDEBUG_2
- #define EPOS(ppp) {(*(md.epos))(_cfp, &_mf, ppp, (POINTER)emap);}
- #define ENTER {(*(md.einout))(_cfp, &_mf,false,(POINTER)emap);}
- #define LEAVE {(*(md.einout))(_cfp, &_mf,true,(POINTER)emap);}
- #define EMOD
- #else
- #ifndef EFINAL
- #define EPOS(ppp)
- #define ENTER if ((_cfp->_oap != (OBJREF *) 0) && (*(_cfp->_oap) == VOIDREF)) (*(md.exvoid))();
- #define LEAVE
- #define EMOD
- #else
- #define EPOS(ppp)
- #define ENTER
- #define LEAVE
- #define EMOD
- #endif
- #endif
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- typedef struct {
- INTEGER16 ename;
- INTEGER16 cname;
- } EMAP;
- #endif /* EIFFEL_S2 */
- /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/